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Dec 9 2021

Important SEO Statistics You Should Know in 2022

December 9, 2021 in blog | No Comments

SEO Statistics for 2022

Search Engine Optimization or SEO drives a huge amount of traffic, thereby helping businesses to conquer more SEO leads. It is believed that SEO in 2022 is sought to bring rapid industrial changes across the digital world, with page rankings going to depend on the quality of content and the images. The SEO game is interesting with new SEO trends, SEO metrics, and continuous evolution taking place every day. The SEO landscape undergoes vast changes and analytics tools are quite fascinating to any B2C company, B2B companies, various businesses, and marketers. They leverage the power of Enterprise SEO best practices to stay at the peak of the search results page with adoption to numerous Google algorithm changes. When we consider SEO, we need to keep in mind that gaining an edge over the competition is the biggest obstacle that requires an analysis of the latest SEO trends in 2022.

Top SEO Statistics 2022

Our most curated and organized SEO stats are framed to give you a detailed insight regarding the best SEO trends so that you can strategize the marketing efforts to make SEO in 2022 the most beneficial to your business with high engagement and higher conversion rate. Let’s have a sneak peek at the top SEO statistics for 2022 you must be aware of.

We are going to discuss:

1. Content-Based SEO Statistics

2. Device-Based SEO Statistics

3. Organic Search Statistics

4. Google Statistics

5. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Statistics

6. Local SEO Statistics

1.Content Based SEO Statistics

Content-Based SEO Statistics

Content SEO is the strategy used to develop content that lets web pages rank higher in the SERPs(Search Engine Results Page). It encompasses the writing, structuring, producing, or framing the high-quality content. Content SEO requires the right set of keywords, the structure of the website, blog posts, copywriting, etc, to rank well in the search results. A well-designed website, great user interface,  every technical SEO element together let your site rank as well. However, content and its quality are the primary considerations to optimize the website for the average conversion rate.

Here are the top Content marketing statistics:

  1. Perfectly optimized video content is at least 52 times likely to be shown up on Google’s first page when compared to a text article.
  2. The top form of media utilized in the content strategy is video.
  3. The blogging businesses obtain 97% additional site links when compared to those who don’t.
  4. The firms that blog include 434% more indexed pages compared to the other firms, which means greater leads.
  5. Building relevant content is the most prominent SEO tactic for 72% of marketing professionals.
  6. 47% of the users go through the 3-5 pieces of the website content created by the same company before communicating with salesmen from the same company.
  7. Longer content always ranks higher, and Google’s first-page result includes an average of 1447 words.
  8. It was found that long-form content with more than 1000 words usually receives greater links and shares compared to the average content.
  9. Almost 95% of the audience watched explainer videos to understand more about particular businesses and products or services. 
  10. About 62% of the total B2B marketers and about 51% of B2C marketers have opted for blog optimization to enhance SEO.

2. Device-Based SEO Statistics

Search Engine Optimization of websites, social media posts, blogs, or any other content should be in such a way that it provides flawless optimization across all devices, including mobile experience. With the increased boom in the mobile search query, developers and marketers must ensure that their websites can be viewed by the average consumer daily irrespective of the device they use, giving them a higher user experience (UX).

Here are the top statistics that Device-based SEO covers:

  1. At least 87% of users who have smartphones utilize the search engine for daily searches.
  2. More than 44% of whole IP traffic will be account for by smartphones, rising from 18% in 2017.
  3. Out of the smartphone users, about 60% have initiated direct contact with a business using the call to action in the search results. 
  4. Almost 94% of all search traffic sources on mobile devices and tablets is only Google.
  5. On an average of 55% of searches happen from mobile phones, 43% come from desktops, and 3% from tablets.
  6. By 2022, about 55% of the entire households are expect to purchase a smart speaker.
  7. The combination of “Best” and “right now” kinds of mobile queries has crossed 125% within the past 2 years.
  8. Both “Where to buy” and  “near me” search queries in mobile devices have seen a growth of more than 200% in the past 2 years.
  9. At least 73% of Internet users access the Internet only via their mobile devices by 2025.

3. Organic Search Statistics

Organic Search Statistics

When you optimize the web page with unique and relevant content, add links, include meta tags and various other tag attributes, you achieve organic SEO. Organic SEO lets you generate more leads, and the organic optimization of content with relevant keywords can let you build visibility, organic traffic, click-through rate, and meaningful conversions. Organic online search builds more trust among the audience and SEO cost is less when compared to paid ads.

Here are the top statistics that organic search covers:

  1. About 68% of the total website traffic which is trackable, is obtain from organic search and paid searches.
  2. SEO is the top priority traffic source for affiliateK marketing efforts.
  3. About 10% of the total searches come through voice search.
  4. 70-80% of the users ignore the paid ads completely, thereby ranking higher in the organic search results page is important.
  5. Over 21% of users usually click on more than a single result.
  6. As per Safari Digital, about half of the search queries are more than four words in length, emphasizing the need for long-tail keyword searches.
  7. More than 1 minute is the average time invest in a search session.
  8. 88% of users browse online for research before deciding to do online shopping.
  9. About 75% of users don’t bother to scroll to the next page of the search engine results page.
  10. At least 40% of people leave the website when it takes more than 3 seconds to load.
  11. Google utilizes over 200  ranking factors considering its algorithm.

4. Google Statistics

Google Statistics

Being generally quicker when compared with other search engines, and user-friendly, Google is the top prefer search engine worldwide. It is highly important to optimize content for Google since this has the potential to enhance the visibility of your site and the engagement to your pages. To be precise, this can let your website be more visible in the searches that are more relevant.

  1. There are over 40,000 searches each second and over 3.5 billion searches made every day in Google.
  2. About 78% of the laptop & desktop search market share value and almost 92% of the overall mobile search engine market share goes to Google search.
  3. With a search engine market share of 10.82% for Bing, 4.98% for Baidu, 3.22% for Yandex, and 2.11% for Yahoo, the remaining share is contribute among desktop and laptop users.
  4. Bing had more than 1.08 billion visitors across the world in June 2021, which had risen from 935.8 million users in February.
  5. The total annual ad revenue of Google in the US is bound to decline and might reach only 39.53 billion USD, dropping from 41.8 billion USD in 2019.
  6. Good quality content and link-building techniques are the top signals Google uses to rank your site for more reach.
  7. The mobile searches with key terms “near me” in Google include variants of “to buy” and “can I buy”, and grew by 500%.
  8. Google refines the search engine algorithms to approximately between 500 and 600 times a year.
  9. About 18% of the organic clicks are direct to the first search result, while about 10% to the second, finally about 7% to the third search result.
  10. 49% of the searches on Google won’t lead to a click, this creates an increased emphasis on SERP optimization.

5. Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Statistics

Search Engine Marketing refers to the digital marketing tool utilized to improve the visibility of your business website in the SERPs. This is also known as paid search or in other words, pay per click (PPC) ads. When there are billions of searches made online, it is important to adhere to the search algorithm and use the best SEM tools for successful marketing strategies.

Let’s know the search engine trends through the statistics:

  1. More than 75% of the users say that paid search ads can easily help them easily find what they search for in a search engine.
  2. About 26% of users click on paid ads since they have a familiar brand name mentioned in them.
  3. Approximately, 45.5% of the users find it a difficult task to identify paid vs organic ads results.
  4. 49% of businesses get over 1,000 search views for their listing onGoogle My Business every month, and over 33% get at least 1,000 views on Google Maps.
  5. The return on ad spend is 200% for Google ads.
  6. Search engines can get 300% more traffic to websites compared to social media.
  7. About 67% of clicks are direct to the first five websites in SERPs and 4% clicks to the next 6-10 results page. 

6. Local SEO Statistics

Local SEO Statistics

Local SEO helps your business goals to be satisfied for the online consumers who are in search of a physical location to make their shopping. This is a powerful tool to target the active users in search of local search results in Google. Any business type with businesses in the local or geographical area can benefit through local SEO by appearing in the generic searches reaching out to potential customers. 

Let’s explore the local SEO statistics in detail.

  1. At least 46% of Google searches are based on local information.
  2. 93.4% rely on customer reviews before they decide on buying from local businesses, especially while dealing with unknown retailers. 
  3. 72% of customers who have visited the physical store do it after a search online.
  4. Above 60% of average consumers opt for businesses with the “click to call” option.
  5. 86% of users depend on the internet to find a local business.
  6. 64% of small businesses have established an online presence. 
  7. About 28% of local searches result in purchases. 
  8. 92% of searchers opt for businesses that appear on the first page of search results. 


A strong SEO strategy can let your business ace in the search rankings and win customer acquisition successfully. Regardless of the SEO efforts made by the digital marketers, content marketers, social media marketers,  video marketers, etc. relevance and effective strategy are what matter the most. SEO campaigns can let you boost your advertising revenue. SEO can improve the visibility of your website, and your business details become more visible to the target audience. Being a business owner, B2C marketer, or a B2B marketer, SEO is important to improve your sales funnel and it is required to trigger your SEO so that you generate more business revenue.

Published by

Vipin Nayar

Vipin Nayar is the Inbound Marketing Manager at Acodez IT Solutions. A social media, SEO and SEM expert with over 4 years' experience in online marketing, helps clients enhance their online presence and open up new business avenues. Keeping in step with social media trends, he uses his keen insight into customer behaviour to formulate innovative strategies that succeed.

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