Inbound Marketing Weekly Roundup: 24 May 2016
May 24, 2016 in Online Marketing Weekly Roundup | No Comments

Hey, There! Happy Tuesday!
When I look outside the window, I can see a bright and shining sun smiling at me, and it’s time to unwrap the package of news I have got for you.
With a cup of hot steaming coffee at the table, I switch on my laptop and start thinking what to write and where to start from as a lot has happened in the world of Tech, SEO, social media, and content marketing since we met last.
But, I have got the list of the most important ones though all of them are equally important. Let me share it with you:
1. How do you maintain your SEO ranking?
You have come all the way from the last page and now rank at the 1st position on the search engines.
Kudos! Great job!
But, now that you have reached here how do you ensure that you stay at the same position without even a slight deviation in your position.
The success of online businesses comes from the search engine traffic that it manages to generate.
Also, the sites that rank at the top are considered as genuine ones, and they score some more clicks.
But, the struggle is to stay at the same point when there is a huge competition. As you know, you are not alone in the race, and there are others too.
So what you do now?
Here, is what Columnist Daniel Faggella has got to say: SELand on staying at a consistent position over the search engines without letting others attack you.
2. Are you aware of the fact that you could now measure your LinkedIn activities?
LinkedIn is one of those social networking sites that has grown over the years and is more of a professional site.
The primary role of LinkedIn is to connect businesses to businesses though many people are using it to find jobs and to follow influencers and organizations that matter to them.
Also, a lot of people have successfully landed on to their jobs through LinkedIn.
So, now the question is how do you measure your LinkedIn activities? Does LinkedIn provide an option to track the same?
Yes, here you can find out more how LinkedIn allows you to find out where you rank for your activities: SocialMediaExaminer
3. Instagram’s new analytics to provide deeper insights:
Recently, there has been a spontaneous hike in people using Instagram. The photo sharing site is one of the places where small businesses have been trying to woo their customers over.
And, amazingly I remember to have quoted Instagram in each of the weekly roundups that I have written and shared with you so far.
So, now what’s the new update?
Until now Instagram has been growing as a favorite among businesses and people, but webmasters found it difficult to get their hands on some vital information of the visitors.
But, now you can relax as Instagram unveils a new update in the form of detailed analytics and here you can read more about this: MarketingLand
4. Google’s new API will help it locate content faster than it does now
Do you think Google can find content faster than it has been doing lately?
If not, Google believes so as it will be launching an API that will help Google procure the content at a much faster rate than it is doing now.
Google is testing the API and let us keep our fingers crossed so that all goes well and we can soon find the API among us.
Here you can read more about what kind of API it is: SearchEngineLand
5. Can you cheat while doing SEO?
SEO is an integral part of your online business, and you know that unless your site has been optimized well, it will not reach the target audience.
But, we all need an SEO that works, that drives traffic and leads to success.
So, what will you do?
Can you simply copy what others are doing?
No, it never works, though the basics might give some results.
Neil Patel discusses 5 SEO cheats that will help you achieve the results that you are expecting from your SEO: Forbes
Here are some of the links to additional articles that would interest you again from the world of SEO, content marketing, Social Media and Tech:
➤ Meet Google assistant: A new search platform, rather than a gadget or an app — SELand
➤ Content Strategy Spectrum — Centerline Digital / SlideShare
➤ Here Are 6 Digital Marketing Resources For Entrepreneurs —
➤ How seo takes time to get results — B2C
➤ SEO or Content Marketing? Here’s How to Rock Both — SEMRush
Enjoy Reading!
Hope you find this article helpful!
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